
At 十大菠菜台子, students don’t have to decide between 音乐 和 other interests, thanks to a flexible curriculum 和 supportive environment. (音乐奖学金也有帮助.)

Students explore 音乐 in 和 out of the classroom. 位 & Pieces, Beloit's a cappella group, rehearses in the Hendrick... Students explore 音乐 in 和 out of the classroom. 位 & Pieces, Beloit's a cappella group, rehearses in the Hendricks Center for the Arts.

Music has long been an important part of student life at 十大菠菜台子. 作为证据,考虑一下 民谣蓝调音乐节, organized annually by students for over 50 years, 和 the iconic C-Haus, founded in the early 1970s 和 host to an active lineup of live 音乐.

Today, opportunities to experiment with 音乐 are also nurtured at the college’s 枫树录音室 TV & 媒体实验室,而 音乐系 提供了丰富的数组 课程, including lessons 和 ensembles, for both majors 和 non-majors.

No wonder the 音乐系’s tagline is “Connect 音乐 to your life.”

为此目的, the department not only offers scholarships but takes an expansive approach to awarding them. “Majoring or minoring in 音乐 is not required,” says 音乐系 chair 丹尼尔Barolsky. 而不是, students can meet the scholarship requirement by taking lessons or participating in an ensemble. The goal: invite contribution to 音乐 on campus.

进一步, scholarship recipients are not required to continue with the instrument or vocal style used to audition. Explains Barolsky, “Students’ 音乐al interests evolve. Our scholarship program supports that.”

部门 教师 actively seek to accommodate students’ interests. 例如, 但没有人擅长说唱, interested students can work with voice 教师 to improve their technique, 而教职员工 英语系 can help them strengthen their writing.

The approach benefits a wide range of student interests 和 backgrounds, as illustrated by two current students.

Raised in Rock Hill, SC, 凯尔 Springs-McCottry’25 played football throughout high school. He also played trombone in the marching b和 during varsity games as a first-year 和 sophomore, then in the b和 in the spring off season as a junior 和 senior.

When it came to college, football 和 trombone remained priorities. 可购性 也很重要.

Today, as a defensive lineman at Beloit, 凯尔’s taking on leadership roles within the 足球队. “伯洛伊特很受欢迎,”凯尔说. Not only did members of the 足球队 greet him when he visited campus before enrolling, but coaches reassured him he’d be able to play as a first-year student. “That meant a lot to me,” 凯尔 says.

A 音乐奖学金 也让人放心. It would not only help make attending Beloit affordable, but signaled that Beloit was serious about making 音乐 possible for all interested students. In fact, to accommodate 凯尔’s athletics, his trombone teacher, 约翰Biester, has scheduled their lessons on Sunday evenings. With Biester’s encouragement, 凯尔 has also joined the 风合奏. Community members who play in the ensemble are now part of his network of contacts.

Other 教师 have also embraced him. 凯尔说,“教授们 历史系 给了我很大的鼓励. 我可能主修历史.” 新闻 也是一种可能性. “Gillen肖恩 告诉我我有发言权. It’s been great to get that kind of feedback.”

Sam Gomoll’24, from Sun Prairie, Wis.他走了一条不同的路去伯洛伊特. Unlike 凯尔, his 音乐al interests were not supported by his high school. A friend of his father’s pointed him to Beloit, where his interests would be. “Check out Beloit,” he was advised. “那里的音乐场景太疯狂了.”

Junior Sam Gomoll was drawn to Beloit by the ability to live in campus housing with other 音乐ians, as well as take classes in 音乐 his... Junior Sam Gomoll was drawn to Beloit by the ability to live in campus housing with other 音乐ians, as well as take classes in 音乐 history, 记录, 和理论.

Sam applied 和 when he visited, “Beloit clicked.他说. “The atmosphere, people, buildings.“音乐之家” 校园住宅, was also a big draw; he’d be able to live with other 音乐ians. 其他的价码: 枫树工作室 还有一门课程 录音. Both suited Sam’s interests in writing 和 making 音乐.

Since enrolling, Sam’s experience at Beloit has been even better than he anticipated.

“Beloit has been incredibly supportive. 在与 伊恩·聂 at Maple Tree, during the p和emic lockdown, I set up a studio in my dorm room 和 recorded a record. Yvonne Wu helped me think outside the box in terms of hearing 音乐, 和 丹尼尔Barolsky taught me to think differently about 音乐, 包括种族的作用.”

Another benefit: “Faculty won’t let you fail,” says Sam.

Sam’s career plans: “Write as much 音乐 with as many people as possible. Have a steady job that permits 音乐 on the side.”

增加了 布莱恩黑樱桃贝洛伊特百货公司的主任 创业中心, where the 枫树工作室 is housed: “Music is not only alive at 十大菠菜台子 和 in the surrounding community, but we’ve got the infrastructure 和 know-how to help you make 音乐 a part of your life both while you are in college 和 afterward.”


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